
Music in the Planetarium

Music in the Planetarium
Music in the Planetarium

Untitled [planes / the lure of Progress [I] is a multichannel sound piece that addresses climate disaster and the defeat of the concept of Progress. Immersive sound allows to reflect critically on dimensions of the Capitalocene through a dystopic soundscape: planes crossing the space. The sound work presents sonic contrails – the acoustic hums and roars, the equivalent of the vapour, line-shaped, white clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust. Sound sources are recordings of sonic contrails made by commercial aircraft en route to Mexico City airport.
- Luz María Sánchez

Elektroakustisk Trondheim is presenting a concert of electroacoustic music in the Planetarium at the Trondheim Science Center on Monday, July 31 at 8:00pm. Free admission.
Music by José Manuel Berenguer (ES), Luz María Sánchez (MX/NO) and Magdaléna Manderlová (CZ/NO). All the works are multi-channel compositions prepared specifically for the 36-channel surround sound system in the Planetarium – a unique sonic experience!
Elektroakustisk Trondheim is a concert series supported by the Trondheim Municipality and the Trondheim Science Center.

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Luz María Sánchez

Artista transdisciplinar que explora la esfera política de la violencia y las relaciones de poder a través de construcciones multimedia.