
Untitled [Green Bags]

Untitled [Green Bags]
Untitled [Green Bags]

100 plastic bags, 100 wood sticks.
Dimensions: variable.

This temporal piece, an intervention in an Oxfordshire field, plays with readymade materials and the spontaneous and transient sounds they generate. With attention to the aesthetic and atmospheric impact of this intervention, one hundred plastic bags, used in England for organic garbage, were attached to wooden sticks of varying heights (40” – 87”), and placed randomly throughout the field. The piece could be taken in as a whole from afar and/or navigated like a maze. Sound was produced through the interaction of the affixed materials and the environment itself generating a range of sounds from wind blowing at and through the plastic bags to the pattering of rain hitting them to a listless quiet when the landscape was still.

Luz María Sánchez

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Luz María Sánchez

Transdisciplinary artist exploring the political sphere of violence and power relations through multimedia constructs.