
Vis.[un]necessary force_3


Vis.[un]necessary force_3
courtesy of Josué Martínez
2017 - 2023
Vis.[un]necessary force_3

Collaborative and participatory audio-visual cyber-cartography for mobile systems and web data visualisation

Documentary February 19, 2019 2024

Two-channel digital video, stereo sound, microcomputer, headphones Duration: 9 min 53 s [looped]

Infographic board | Timeline 2022

Photographs, timemap, text Dimensions: 300 cm x 142 cm

Courtesy of the artist

With deep appreciation to Mirna Medina, founder of Rastreadoras de El Fuerte, to all members of Rastreadoras in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, who are searching for their relatives, victims of forced disappearance

With gratitude to Carolina Robledo Silvestre, Aída Hernández, Alejandra Ramírez and Ana Paula Sánchez

Vis.[un]necessary force_3 is a transdisciplinary, collaborative artwork that builds on the foundation of ongoing research. Luz María Sánchez has dedicated and made this work available to its direct users: the Rastreadoras de El Fuerte (Trackers of El Fuerte) group in Mexico, who search for the remains of their loved ones, victims of enforced disappearance. This audiovisual cybercartography brings together geolocated elements—photographs, videos, texts—whose registration is carried out during the search expeditions by Las Rastreadoras. The registration tool is a mobile phone, and the space to view and systematise the collected elements is a web platform. This is a tool that builds a database for the construction of memory, oral and audiovisual history. The work looks to empower the participants and strengthen their sense of community. V.[u]nf_3 allowed the artist work with a digital community articulated by the specific dynamics of Las Rastreadoras de El Fuerte. This was facilitated because this group is characterised by a solid sense of community formed through their joint expeditions and legal and emotional support groups. Through V.[u]nf_3, the artist seeks to respond to the need to generate collaborative symbolic construction projects in the context of the deep and serious human rights crisis in Mexico.

The project was presented as a prototype in February 2019. The artist is now working on a completely new version: V[u]nf_3.01.

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Luz María Sánchez

Transdisciplinary artist exploring the political sphere of violence and power relations through multimedia constructs.